Countryway Insurance offers Personal Automobile, Homeowners/Renters/Dwelling and Personal Umbrella coverages.
We also insure farm operations and home-farms including farm commercial vehicles and Umbrella.
Country Pride Silver
This competitively priced plan, designed to meet the needs of homeowner in your area, includes these special features.
  • Replacement coverage for your home's contents offers protection for many of your personal possesions without deducting for depreciation.
  • Inflation protection for the insured value of your home*
  • Liability coverage options of $100,000, $200,000, $300,000, and $500,000 available.
  • Installment payments plans available
  • Other Countryway policies available, including auto* and personal umbrella insurance.

Special Discounts too!

  • Residential smoke alarms or security systems will save you money on your premium.
  • Premium savings are yours by purchasing a deductible greater than $250.
  • New home discounts* for homes under 20 years old can provide additional savings.
  • "Care-Free Home" discounts* are available for homes over 35 years old, with renovations completed for the roof, wiring, heating or plumbing system.

Call today.

Contact your local Countryway insurance agent for more details and a free estimate proposal.

* The availability of these policy options and premium discounts will vary by each state in which Countryway Insurance Company is licensed.